Our authorizations


Repetti Vittorio S.r.l.  works all over the Italian territory and not only, observing all the laws and regulation coming from "Decreto Ronchi" and later European and Italian laws regarding the Italian territory.
This is an extremely remarkable aspect which allow to tuck away from unforeseen  problems, all companies wishing to work with us.
As a matter of fact, in order to deal correctly with material and waste disposal, it is a an obligation for everybody dealing with it, to exclusively use subjects provided of all the needed authorizations for withdrawal, transport and storage. Besides there is the obligation for the waste producer, to fill out a particular transport document so called in Italian: "Formulario di identificazione rifiuti".
Repetti Vittorio S.r.l. does a primary selection of all the materials coming to its site followed from a further cleaning, a deeper selection, a possible size reduction, and mixing with other materials.

Complete Authorization (in Italian)2.79 MB
Legislation act about our authorization duration (in Italian)29.5 KB